Audiology Services
Audiologists use a variety of tests and specialized equipment to assess the amount and location of hearing loss as well as provide appropriate remediation for those who qualify under the Provincial Hearing Aid Program. Counseling for the patient and family, as well as a close working relationship with other professionals, including physicians, speech-language pathologists, itinerant teachers of the hearing impaired, etc. are also integral to the audiologist's job.
Community information and educational sessions are provided to promote early detection and prevention of hearing and balance problems.
Central Health's two audiology departments are located at James Paton Memorial Regional Health Centre (JPMRHC) and Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre (CNRHC). Clients, inpatients and residents in the area typically travel to the department to receive services.
Where is the audiology department located?
Audiology is located on the ground floor of JPMRHC in Gander and on the third floor of west block for CNRHC in Grand Falls-Windsor.
What to expect...
An average audiology appointment typically takes 45 minutes for an initial assessment, sometimes longer depending on the tests required but it may be shorter if it is for a recheck.
What to bring?
If you have hearing aids, please bring them to the appointment. If you have difficulty understanding or remembering what is said, you are encouraged to bring a family member with you. If an infant or child is the patient, please do NOT bring other children who require supervision with you to the appointment as audiology testing requires quiet conditions and children cannot be left unattended.
Who to contact to cancel an appointment?
Please call the main department phone number to reschedule or cancel an appointment:
Gander at 256-5458 and Grand Falls-Windsor at 292-2169.
Note that due to staffing shortages and shared equipment, there may be a wait time for cancelled appointments to be rescheduled.
Who to contact if I have a specific question regarding my appointment?
Please contact the main department lines indicated above. If the question relates to the scheduling of the appointment or other routine matters, our clerical will be able to provide the requested information. However, if the question relates to a testing, health, or other issue, clerical may link you to the appropriate professional or may take your contact information and have the appropriate professional return your call.
Is there a brochure or booklet with more information?
Sorry, not at this time.
What services are available at each site?
Currently, both JPMRHC and CNRHC audiology sites offer audiological testing for outpatients of all ages (upon referral), a Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program (UNHSP), as well as hearing aid service through the NL Provincial Hearing Aid Program (PHAP). The PHAP access information will be provided by the audiologist as appropriate at the time of testing. Testing and hearing aid services for inpatients is limited and upon referral.
Verification of attendance of the appointment can be provided at the time of registration for the appointment. Consent may be requested at the appointment time in order to facilitate further follow up (e.g referral to an ENT specialist, ordering hearing aids, etc) . After the appointment time, any request for the test results must be addressed through the facility disclosure office at (709) 256-5520 or disclosure@centralhealth.nl.ca.
For questions about the program, contact the audiology department at:
James Paton Memorial Regional Health Centre
125 TCH Gander, NL A1V 1P7
T: (709) 256-5458
F: (709) 256-5780
Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre
50 Union Street, Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 2E1
T: (709) 292-2169
F: (709) 292-2355