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Obstetrical Services continue at CNRHC for the month of March; Midwifery services continue at JPMRHC

Central Health would like to inform the public that due to a shortage of Physician resources to assist with obstetrical cases, obstetrical services for the Central Health region will be provided at Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre (CNRHC), in Grand Falls-Windsor, for the month of March 2022. An update will be provided for April at a later date. Central Health continues to work to address the underlying staffing challenges associated with this matter.

Midwifery services will continue at James Paton Memorial Regional Health Centre (JPMRHC) in Gander for clients who are currently availing of these services.

If delivery is imminent, pregnant women in labour should proceed to the nearest emergency centre for assessment.

If you have any questions in this regard, please contact your obstetrical care provider. For questions regarding your health, please call 811. For emergency assistance please call 911.

Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and assistance in this matter.


Media contact:

Gayle St. Croix

Director, Communications and Government Relations



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