November 3, 2021
Central Health would like to advise that all mental health and addictions services are fully operational including Doorways and regular appointments. We are currently experiencing issues with scheduling, but we encourage people to follow up with Doorways if they need to be seen. Services offered by FACT (Flexible Assertive Community Treatment) and Case Management continue to operate as usual.
If anyone has any questions, they can call Doorways at the following locations
• Baie Verte 532-5219
• Gander 256-5438
• Glovertown 533-2372
• GFW 489-8841
• Lewisporte 535- 0905
• New-Wes-Valley 536-2405
• Springdale 673-4974
• St. Albans 538- 3738
There is currently a high volume of calls coming in and voicemail services are currently not available, so residents are encouraged to keep calling if they need assistance.
Gayle St. Croix
Director, Communications and Government Relations
