Electronic Health Record (EHR)
On October 25, the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information launched its new public education campaign, ‘That's Your EHR'. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of how the EHR improves health care in Newfoundland and Labrador.
An EHR is a secure and private record of your health care information, available electronically to your authorized health care professionals. It is designed to facilitate better sharing and interpretation of health information among the health professionals involved in your care, leading to better care for you and your loved ones. Once implemented, the EHR will provide more accurate and reliable data to support improved health care delivery, decision-making and policy and create improved accountability, stability and efficiency in our provincial health care system
Your EHR will make your health information available when and where it is needed, improving the way your health care is delivered. Electronic health records present more benefits for patients than paper records, are not limited by geographic distance, and greatly facilitate a more efficient flow of information within the provincial health system.
For more information, watch the TV ad