Toll Free Numbers
Adult Protection Program - 24 Hour - 1-855-376-4957
AIDS Committee of Newfoundland & Labrador toll free line - 1-800-563-1575
Cara Transition House - 24 hour - 1-877-800-2272
Central Health's Client Navigator - 1-844-651-6214
Kids Help Phone - 24 hour - 1-800-668-6868
Mental Health Crisis Line - 811
Mental Health & Addictions Triage Line - 1-844-353-3330
Newfoundland and Labrador HealthLine (health information and advice for adults and pediatrics) - 811
Provincial Emergency: 911
Newfoundland and Labrador Sexual Health Centre - 1-877-666-9847
Office of the Child and Youth Advocate - 1-877-753-3888
Poison Control Centre - 811
SeniorsNL - 1-800-563-5599 (NL only)
Sexual Assault Crisis Line - 24 hour - 1-709-726-1411 or 1-800-726-2743
Smoker's Helpline - 1-800-363-5864
United - 211 - directory to help Canadians with life's challenges