Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do in a Mental Health or Addiction crisis?
Call the Mental Health Crisis Line at 1-888-737-4668.It is available 24/7 to provide support and information during a crisis.Or call 911.You could also visit the nearest hospital emergency department.
How do I find the closest mental health and addiction office to me?
The website has listings of all the mental health and addiction offices in the province. Or, you could call 811 and a Healthline nurse can give you a location and phone number.
If you feel that you need more specific help to find the right service for you, please don’t hesitate to call our Systems Navigator: 1-877-999-7589 or 752-3916
Why do I have to go through an intake or triage process before I see a therapist?
Intake interviews, triage or brief assessments provide us with valuable information to ensure you are matched to the best person or program for you.
Can I just show up or do I have to make an appointment to see a mental health and addiction counsellor ?
‘Doorways’ is our drop-in mental health and addiction service and no appointment is needed to see a counsellor. Doorways locations and times are listed on this website under ‘Counselling Options’. They are also listed at , or feel free to call 811.
Appointments are needed for most of our other services.Please don’t hesitate to call a Healthline nurse at 811 for information.
How do I see a psychiatrist?
Psychiatrists are specialists and a family physician or nurse practitioner referral is needed.Please visit your healthcare provider to discuss.
Is my confidentiality protected?
Yes. Each Regional Health Authority has strict policies requiring all staff and professionals to protect your information at all times. For more information: