Healthe NL
What is HEALTHe NL:
HEALTHe NL, the provincial electronic health record (EHR), is a secure and private record of an individual's health care information available electronically to authorized health care professionals. HEALTHe NL provides accurate and reliable data to support improved health care delivery, decision-making and policy resulting in safer patient care. It also supports improved accountability, stability and efficiency in our provincial health care system.
What is contained within HEALTHe NL:
HEALTHe NL currently includes the following types of information:
Access to medication profiles available through the Pharmacy Network with 100 per cent of community pharmacies in NL now connected.
Relevant clinical information from select Regional Health Authorities including lab results, diagnostics and clinical records with all remaining data scheduled by the end of 2017.
Provincial immunization data for anyone born after 2003.
Information about where health services have occurred, by whom and other key clinical events such as inpatient admission.
Why do we need HEALTHe NL?
Access to more comprehensive patient information in one place offers significant benefits for patients, health care professionals, and the whole health care system, including:
Patient safety: Access to more complete information enables more informed health care decisions, resulting in safer patient care.
Improved quality: Access to more comprehensive patient profiles improves the quality of care by supporting better decisions about medications, diagnoses and treatments.
Accessibility: Timely access to patient profiles ensures current information is available in one place when and where it is needed - at the point of care.
Better efficiency: Access to medication profiles and other relevant clinical information will reduce the amount of time spent calling other clinicians for information. Over time, this will reduce duplication of tests, saving time and money.
Who will have access to HEALTHe NL?
Only authorized health care professionals as identified by the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) have access to HEALTHe NL and the information it contains. Access will be available in a variety of health care settings, including Regional Health Authority (RHA) hospitals, community health and long-term care facilities, as well as within community clinics.
Only health care professionals within a patient's circle of care are allowed to view a patient's profile. All access to HEALTHe NL is subject to audit. The system also keeps a record of each time a profile is accessed, including by whom and when.
How will I, as a health care professional, access HEALTHe NL?
The HEALTHe NL Clinical Portal is a web-based application that provides a single point of access to important health information. Every user will have their own username and password and the information is shared over a secure network built with multiple industry safeguards.
You can access HEALTHe NL from the Central Health intranet page or follow the link
How will I obtain access to HEALTHe NL?
Access within the Central Regional Health Authority is managed by the Central Health Change Manager in collaboration with the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information. If you require access to HEALTHe NL please complete the HEALTHe NL User Registration Form and scan/email it to NLCHI Service Desk at
Link to Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Health Information Education/ Training:
Additional Resources
Frequently Asked Questions - Access to Patient Information HEALTHe NL