Maternal Child Care & Pediatric Inpatient Units
Maternal Child Care
Central Health has maternal newborn units at both regional referral centers: Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre (CNRHC) and James Paton Memorial Regional Health Centre (JPMRHC). At CNRHC there is a 14 bed family-centred care unit with 24 hr rooming-in; and 3 birthing rooms. At JPMRHC there is a 14 bed family-centred care unit and two birthing rooms. Additionally, the maternal newborn care unit is combined with Gynecology surgery.
Our highly trained staff will take you through the birth experience with care. A support person of your choice is encouraged to stay with you during labor and delivery.
In the event you require a cesarean section, you will be transferred to the main operating room area. If you choose, you can stay awake during the section and the support person can accompany you.
If your newborn baby requires a high level of care, both sites are equipped with a nursery. Nursing staff will assist you with baby care and answer any questions you may have. Breastfeeding is encouraged and supported by our nursing staff. Lactation consultants are available for inpatient and outpatients services.
Department Contact information:
CNRHC - Maternity Unit 4B
T: (709) 292-2137
Nurse Manager
T: (709) 292-2382
Lactation Consultant
T: (709) 292-1208
JPMRHC - Maternity Unit
T: (709) 256-5607
Nurse Manager
T: (709) 256-5609
Lactation Consultant
T: (709) 651-6480
Central Health also provides medical, surgical, and palliative care to children at both CNRHC and JPMRHC. The referral centres each have two beds on the Maternal Child unit for pediatric patients.
Both regional centres have active outpatient clinics which serve the children in the central region. Skilled pediatric and nursing staff provide care for children, and support and education to parents and caregivers.
Department Contact Information:
CNRHC Pediatrics Unit
T: (709) 292-2583
Nurse Manager
T: (709) 292-2382
CNRHC Pediatrics Outpatient Clinic
T: (709) 292-2367
JPMRHC Pediatrics
T: (709) 256-5585
Nurse Manager
T: (709) 256-5659
JPMRHC Pediatrics Outpatient Clinic
T: (709) 256-5991