Central Health would like to advise that effective 8:00 am on Monday, May 11th, there will be a resumption of full emergency services and on-call physician services at the Bay d’Espoir Medical Clinic (BDEMC).
On April 12, 2020, Central Health implemented the diversion of clinical and emergency services from BDEMC due to the unavailability of physician services.
Since that time, Central Health has successfully recruited Dr. Wael Ibrahim to provide clinical and emergency services for the BDEMC. Dr. Hewitt will continue providing clinical outpatient services to the area.
Central Health has also introduced a virtual model of clinical services to the area where residents could avail of virtual appointments with a physician two mornings per week. These appointments would be mainly conducted by telephone, however if the physician felt it was required, the patient could present at the clinic and with the support of the RN, utilize telehealth equipment for a video appointment with the physician.
The BDEMC provides clinics and emergency services to residents of the Bay d’Espoir area which encompasses six communities from Morrisville to St Alban’s.
We apologize for this interruption of service and thank the public for their understanding and patience as we continue to focus on providing safe and quality care for the residents of the Bay d’Espoir area.
Media contact: Gayle St. Croix Director of Communications and Government Relations Gayle.StCroix@centralhealth.nl.ca cell: (709) 572 1165
