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Resumption of Obstetrical Services at Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre

August 11, 2022

Central Health would like to advise that effective at 8:00 am on Friday, August 12, 2022, obstetrical services will resume at the Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre (CNRHC) in Grand Falls-Windsor.

Obstetrical patients who feel they may be in labour, prior to the resumption date and time, are asked to proceed directly to the admitting department at JPMRHC in Gander. If delivery is imminent, pregnant women in labour who live closer to Grand Falls-Windsor should proceed to the emergency department at CNRHC.

If you have any questions in this regard, please contact your obstetrical care provider.

For questions regarding your health, please call 811. For emergency assistance please 911.Thank you for your understanding, cooperation and assistance in this matter.



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