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Central Health offering new invoice payment options

Central Health would like to advise that we now accept payments in-person or online through the following banking institutions:

  • CIBC

  • Scotiabank

  • BMO Bank of Montreal

  • TD Canada Trust

  • RBC Royal bank of Canada

  • NL Credit Union

  • National Bank of Canada (in progress)

  • HSBC (in progress)

If paying online, using any of the above bank websites, select “CENTRAL REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITYas the payee and enter your account number from your invoice. Your account number starts with at least one letter and can be up to 12 characters long (no special characters). Unfortunately, you may have multiple account numbers depending on the service, please set each account separately with the relevant account number.

Examples of account numbers –



ER0001234/56 - do not enter the backslash / character

At this time, we still cannot accept payments in person at our facilities, but we are able to accept payment via mail or credit card by phone.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to call the main billing department at 1.709.256.5404 or by emailing You may also contact any of the business offices at our regional sites.

Thank you for helping us serve you better!


Media contact:

Gayle St. Croix

Director, Corporate Communications (Interim)

(709) 571-1146



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