Central Health would like to advise that there will be a diversion of overnight emergency services at the Connaigre Peninsula Health Centre (CPHC) on the following dates from 8:00pm to 8:00am:
July 21st and July 22nd 2021.
The service diversion is due to a current unavailability of physician services.
If residents require emergency services during this time, they are advised to call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room (CPHC in Harbour Breton or CNRHC in Grand Falls-Windsor) where they will be seen. During the diversion of service on July 21 and 22, individuals presenting to CPHC may be assessed through a virtual emergency room service.
As a reminder to the public, there are still no emergency room services available at the Bay d’Espoir Community Health Centre in St. Alban’s.
We apologize for this interruption of service and thank the public for their understanding and patience as we continue to focus on providing safe and quality care for the residents of the Connaigre Peninsula.
Media contact:
Gayle St. Croix
Director, Communications and Government Relations
