Visitor Precautions
Where are the current visitor precautions?
The current outbreak or advisory list is updated when a new precaution or restriction is declared for visitors at one of our facilities. When the outbreak or advisory is over, the facility is removed from the list. Please note that this list may not be exhaustive and immediate family members may be contacted directly regarding visitor precautions or restrictions, as needed.
For the purpose of visitation to Central Zone facilities, immediate family refers to a mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter, next of kin or significant other, as indicated by the patient or resident. In the case where there is no family, a friend can be identified by the patient or resident as a visitor. Patients and residents may also identify a care provider as approved by the site management.
What are visitor precautions?
Visitor precautions are a series of infection control measures put in place to reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases which are common in health-care facilities. They are designed to keep residents, families, staff and visitors healthy and safe.
If a precaution or restriction is in effect, individuals should refrain from visiting that facility when possible, and immediate family members should contact the facility before visiting.
When visitor precautions are in place:
Visiting is permitted but the public is being cautioned about a current outbreak. During visitor precautions, visitors will be required to wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
When visitor restrictions are in place:
Visiting is prohibited and visitors are only permitted under exceptional circumstances; for example, palliative care visitation or as a designated support person that is deemed necessary for care. During visitor restrictions, any permitted visitors will also be required to wear the appropriate PPE.
September 19
James Paton Memorial Regional Health Centre
Medical Unit
Reason for restriction:
Respiratory Illness
Preventing the spread of infection
To prevent the spread of infection, the public and all staff are advised to:
wash your hands frequently using soap and water or an alcohol based hand sanitizer, if soap and water are not available
cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue or the crook of your arms
avoid touching your face
Masking is no longer required for visitors/support persons, clients, and patients, pending they meet the self-screening requirements, in clinical areas in health-care facilities (including waiting areas for health-care services/appointments, clinical care/treatment areas, and while visiting patients and long-term care residents).
If a facility experiences an outbreak, additional masking protocols may be implemented; visitors or support persons should check with the care team for the required personal protective equipment.
Reminder: Individuals seeking or receiving health-care services who are symptomatic (i.e. experiencing any one or more symptoms of COVID-19 or respiratory symptoms) must always wear a mask upon entry and while inside the health-care facility. Visitors/support persons feeling unwell or sick should not visit patients/residents or accompany others to appointments.
Masks continue to be available at health-care facilities across the province. Individuals who would like to continue wearing masks are encouraged to do so.
Individuals can wear their medical mask, or a mask provided at the health-care facility.
Visitors and support persons are also asked to consider the safety of those they are visiting. It can be especially important to wear a mask if you are around others who are at risk of more severe disease and outcomes, including those with chronic conditions, compromised immune systems, and older adults or young children.
We ask visitors to use our hand hygiene stations when they enter and exit our facilities, particularly if a reported outbreak or advisory is in effect.
Help to reduce the spread of illness:
Do not visit if you are ill or are experiencing flu-like or gastrointestinal symptoms.
Clean your hands before entering and after visiting your loved ones.
Cover your coughs or sneezes with a tissue or with the crook of your arms.
Refrain from touching your loved ones’ face.
Check with nursing staff before you visit.
Should you visit more than one resident at one visit, please ensure you take necessary precautions and repeat hand hygiene.
Wear protective equipment, such as masks, gown and gloves for the duration of the visit, when advised by nursing staff. Nurses will show you how to properly apply and remove personal protective equipment.