Health Emergency Management
Central Health established its Health Emergency Management (HEM) Program during the summer of 2006. It was set up in accordance with the nationally recognized "All Hazards Emergency Management Approach" to ensure consistency with the emergency management activities being delivered by Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and the health departments of other provinces and territories.
The Health Emergency Management program is part of the Health Protection Division. The Regional Program Manager works closely with the Regional HEM Advisory Committee in place to support and oversee the development and ongoing maintenance of a comprehensive Health Emergency Plan for the Central Regional Health Authority.
In keeping with the Provincial, Federal and Territorial mandates related to Health Emergency Management, Central Health delivers an integrated, comprehensive and coordinated HEM program. It utilizes an "All- Hazards Emergency Management Approach" that that looks at all potential risks and impacts, natural and human-induced (intentional and non-intentional) to ensure that decisions are made to mitigate against one type of risk do not increase our vulnerability to other risks. This approach addresses the whole spectrum of emergency preparedness including pandemic influenza.
In addition to utilizing the all -hazards methodology, the HEM program also incorporates a risk-based program of preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery activities. This program approach enables Central Health to assure sustainability of operations, maintain resiliency and performance during an emergency or disaster.
Central Health's sites/sectors are responsible for preparing, testing, activating and evaluating emergency respondent business/service continuity plans consistent with legislated requirements, accreditation standards and regional expectations. In addition, the site/sector plans must be coordinated with corporate expectations and organizational governance so that a linkage is made with municipal plans, other health authorities, provincial and national authorities as appropriate. Central Health works with all stakeholders and community partners to streamline healthcare operations in the event of emergencies and disasters. Development of community linkages and partnerships through the collaboration and coordination of preparedness activities is vital to the success of Central Health's emergency plans.
With regard to the development of emergency plans Central Health has established working groups that have commenced with the development of the Universal Emergency Codes. These groups will ensure all emergency code plans have a consistent and coordinated response to emergencies within all the health sites throughout the Central Region. For additional information on the HEM Program please contact the Regional Program Manager - Paramedicine and Medical Transport & Health Emergency Management at 292-0115 or follow this link to email: Regional Program Manager