Central Health would like to provide an update on visitor guidelines that have been implemented at its Long-Term Care and Acute Care facilities throughout the Central Region. The guidelines follow the direction provided by the Chief Medical Officer of Health in moving Central Newfoundland from Alert Level 4 to Alert Level 3.
For labour and delivery patients
One support person may be present during delivery. That support person may stay with the mother and baby until discharge.
An additional two visitors are permitted following delivery to the time of discharge. Visits must be coordinated by the patient care team in advance.
For pediatric patients – both parents/guardians may be designated as essential visitors. Only one essential visitor may visit at a time.
*Pediatric inpatients with an extended admission may identify up to two additional designated visitors which remain constant for the duration of the visiting restrictions. Visits must be coordinated by the patient care team in advance.
For Inpatients
One essential visitor may be permitted to visit as coordinated with the patient care team.
*Inpatients with an extended admission may identify up to two additional designated visitors which remain constant for the duration of the visiting restrictions. Only one visitor is permitted at a time and each visitor is permitted one visit per day. Visits must be coordinated by the patient care team in advance.
For Outpatient Department and Emergency Department patients
All individuals who present to emergency rooms and to healthcare appointments at Central Health facilities should do so on their own unless an essential visitor/support person is required.
A patient who has specific challenges resulting in compromised comprehension, decision-making or mobility due to disability or onset of a medical condition will require an essential visitor/support person when attending outpatient/ambulatory clinic appointments or presenting at the emergency department.
Approval of a visitor while a patient is in the emergency department is at the discretion of the patient care team and would be based on the specific case.
One parent can accompany children in the emergency department or for other appointments.
For Long-Term Care
Residents may identify one essential visitor, where necessary. Each resident can identify up to two additional visitors.
All visitors must coordinate the visit with the Long-Term Care facility in advance.
Palliative care
The guidelines for palliative care can vary and is individualized based on the patient’s condition. Directions for visiting will be provided by the healthcare team.
General visitation is not permitted at this time.
* In determining the number of visitors permitted, the clinical care team will give consideration to the prevalence of COVID-19 in the community, screening of visitors, space available to support multiple visitors when the patient/resident is not in a private room, and the ability to comply with public health guidance to ensure the continued safety of patients/visitors and staff.
For more details, the complete guidelines for support persons/designated visitors here.
For everyone’s safety, masks are provided to patients and visitors entering Central Health facilities. The provided mask must be worn by all visitors while in the facility. Anyone experiencing one or more symptoms of COVID-19 is asked to complete the online self-assessment and referral tool at www.811healthline.ca or call the NL Health Line at 811 to arrange testing.
Central Health understands these changes to visitation are difficult, but they are critically important to the safety of our patients, clients, residents, staff and physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic. We thank you for your understanding and collaboration during this unprecedented time.
Gayle St. Croix
Director of Communications and Government Relations
Central Health
cell: (709) 572 1165
